Posts Tagged ‘cooper roberts’

Cooper and Ian AGAIN! If you have been following my blog (and if you haven’t you should), you’ll know that Cooper and Ian shot one music video partially in my bedroom and that these two cousins won SXSW’s best music video.  I think they’re changing the world of music videos. A beautiful metamorphosis, at that. All of their videos make you want to know what is going to happen at the end. They are unpredictable while still cradling the music well. This newest video is by Mr. Little Jeans who is, in fact, a female from Norway.

Dance to it, drive to it, get mad to it, make love to it, cry to it, but whatever you do, watch it.





Last night it was pouring rain in Los Angeles, which is a unique experience…kind of like watching this video. I can just see some weird scene that is similar to this happening somewhere in LA.

Ian & Cooper…they did it again!

Couldn’t get this song out of my head BECAUSE of this video when I first saw it. Enjoi.

[[If you clicked on this and you’re at work, you might want to wait till you get home.]]

I was sitting in class today and thought of an amazing t-shirt for science dorks. (Looks like I’m becoming not only a music geek, but also a science nerd. Great combo on OKCupid I hear).

envision the shape of a t-shirt around these words:


And then maybe some sort of picture of gametes of the haploid persuasion. (insert uproarious laughter)
Ok…this will all make sense once you’ve watched the video below.
But first!

Things you need to know before you watch this:
1) This music video was directed and edited by my friends, Cooper Roberts and Ian Schwartz. Very proud of all their work, so spread this video and their names!
2) This music video’s “bedroom scene” was shot in my very own bedroom (it was a hot summer day at the time with no AC). Those are my pillows. Some of the props are my father’s.
3) This music video is unlike others–it’s a story, it signifies something, it’s peculiar but captured in a very beautiful way. The video’s imagery pulls at the sinews of the music. It’s not fast paced but rather like pulling taffy on a hot day, which is very much in the style of Mike Noyce’s celestial vocals and instrumentation.
4) This music video is anatomically stimulating. I’m studying anatomy right now, so if I go a little crazy with anatomy puns, bear with me.

Boom Bip “All Hands” Feat. Bon Iver’s Mike Noyce